Thursday, October 30, 2008

I'll have what she's having

Jon is in town!

Our friend Jon came down from the commonwealth of Massachusetts and is planning on running along side me for the last 5 miles or so to help get through some injuries.

To celebrate Jon's big arrival, we had dinner at Katz's Deli, home to the famous "I'll have what she's having" scene in When Harry Met Sally...

[Side note: Sodas are no longer 60 cents... up to $2.50.)

We capped off the night by going to catch two late improv shows at the Upright Citizen's Brigade, known for cultivating up-and-coming comedic performers. (They tend to feed talent into Saturday Night Live as does the Second City.) I don't want to give it away, but we had to wear ponchos.

We headed back to our abode via subway. I fell asleep on the line (not my fault! I expire after 9 p.m!) and we ended up somewhere in Queens, a far cry from our Spanish Harlem digs. Luckily Marilyn was able to renavigate us and the Puerto Rican flags welcomed us home.

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