Thursday, December 11, 2008

Magic 105.3

When I think of Magic 105.3, many memories fill the mind:

The catchy line "Every little thing she does is magic" by The Police.

The breathy "oh ho ho it's magic, you knoooow" pop tune by UK band Pilot from the mid 70s.

My friends Laurie and Eric's mother, because they used to joke she would wear "the best of the 70s, 80s and today" (one of Magic 105.3's slogans from the 90s.)

Well now we've got a new memory: Hanging out with Joe Caruso of The New Joe and Karen Show! Joe interviewed Carlos and Cleto. It was great because Joe was familiar with Cleto's comedy, so it made for a great interview. The interview will air Friday, Dec. 12 during the 7 a.m. hour, so tune in to 105.3 FM!

Joe, Cleto and Carlos ready to get the photo over because the camera wasn't picking up the prior logo in the background.

After the extended session, Joe escorted us out to the lobby where we stood in front of the office Christmas tree while producer David tried to fiddle with the flatscreen to project the Magic logo in the background. Unfortunately after all that hard work, we ended up just going with old-fashion signage because I'm a putz. Thanks for the effort though, David!

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