Friday, August 15, 2008


A lot of attention has been given to the heavily decorated American Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps. I am in utter amazement how one person can make such record-breaking feats seem so effortless. Phelps just seems to glide through the water. 

But these feats are most certainly not effortless. Phelps does no glide. Phelps competes. 

Publicity has been fixated on Phelps' seemingly superhuman (and quite honestly, freakish) physique. Granted Phelps' wingspan is three inches longer than his 6'4" height, but what good is the equipment if you never utilize it? 

Phelps makes the most of his opportunities. Training includes two sessions everyday (or three when in high altitude!), seven days a week and he logs around 50 miles in the pool once a week. 

Effortless? By no means. 

We should all take a cue from Phelps. May we all work hard and make the most of our talents, abilities and opportunities and make the competitions seem effortless. 

"I believe God made me for a purpose, but he also made me fast. And when I run, I feel his pleasure." Eric Liddle, Chariots of Fire (1981).

What is your "effortless" talent? We all have one... in fact several! Are you making the most of it?  

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