If you squeeze an orange, you'll get orange juice, if you squeeze an apple, you'll get apple juice. If you squeeze a person, what do you get? [Figuratively speaking ofcourse, not literally.]
Our flight from San Antonio to New York was delayed due to mecanical maintenance. It was interesting to observe how people reacted to the unintended situation of being six hours late. What fruits fell when the tree was shaken?
Obviously some were mad, some got into petty shouting matchings, others were demanding... pretty much a slice of the uncomfortable temper tantrums you'd find at any given day care facility mixed in with some anger, rage, malice and slander.
When you are squeezed/ put under pressure... what sort of fruit juice do you produce? The half-day delay was quite a blessing. We [eventually] arrived (better to arrive late than not to arrive at all!), got to meet some interesting characters, some fun internationals, local politicians and even Barney Rubble himself-- Stephen Baldwin! (You know it's a rough economy when a Baldwin brother is sitting with you in coach.)

May we all yearn for the chance to produce the uncommon fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.
GREAT post!
Um, stephen didnt look like that on the photo marilyn posted on fb...
Yeah... for some unknown reason, I can't upload photos to Blogger right now... that and The Flinstones II really takes its toll on a guy!
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